Mission | Vision | Values

We believe in what we do at GodSpeaks and we care every bit as much about letting God's voice influence our lives and this business as we encourage you to.

Mission, vision, values - What's the difference?


  • Mission statements hang in the lobby.
  • Vision statements go the board room.
  • Place core values in every break room and after email signatures.

I tease.

But in all seriousness, it's hard to find a workplace where people don't feel like those ideas begin to blend into the wall.
How do we be different?
How do we mean what we say?
How do we make sure that our mission and vision are more than just words on a wall with an epic background picture of Nate and I wrestling a grizzly bear in the deep bush of Alaska? (but that would be kind of cool...)


We have three beliefs that help us keep these ideas relevant in our business:

  1. Our mission, vision, and values each hold us accountable to different aspects of business.
  2. It is important for us to keep learning and growing and then maturing these ideas as we do.
  3. When people support our business, they have a right to know these things about us.

When I say hold us accountable, what I mean is, it reminds us who we are. In this case:
Mission holds us accountable to our purpose.
Vision holds us accountable to achieving valuable results.
Values hold us accountable in our actions.
Compromising any of these is compromising our integrity.

Will we learn? Yes. Will that cause us to grow and change? I sure hope so.
That being said, having great mission, vision, and values should give us some resilience and room to grow, but some of these concepts are adaptive and changing by nature. Our commitment isn't to be stubborn or unchanging, but to be authentic and transparent about who we are. That is because we believe that when you value what we build (with your time or your dollars), you are also validating the way we do things. We want to give you the tools to stand by that.


The mission of GodSpeaks is to encourage believers to -

  1. Be with God
  2. Hear Him Speak
  3. Write it down
  4. Remember
When we decide to do something (read: set a vision), it must connect to this mission.

However, mission is such a powerful part of GodSpeaks, and business in general, that we wrote a blog about it - GodSpeaks On Mission


    Our vision is how we see achieving our mission given a few guiding parameters -
  • As a business, generating revenue is a responsibility.
  • Our products need to connect to & facilitate our mission.
  • The way we build our team needs to incorporate our values.

While our mission gives us nearly limitless possibilities, our vision gives us a target to achieve. Here is one part of our 2-3 year vision -

In 2025, GodSpeaks will be downloaded in all 50 states and more than 20 countries.

Inspiring? More so when I remember the mission.
Measurable? Definitely.
Achievable? We are on our way!

But that particular vision statement is not the whole picture. Just like your actual eyesight, vision functionally guides us in the short, medium, and long-term. We wrote about how we use vision to guide GodSpeaks in The Future of GodSpeaks.


If our mission inspires us and our vision guides us, our values ground us.

The purpose of our values is specifically to keep us from taking shortcuts to achieve our mission or vision. A powerful mission and vision are worthless if we don't have the character to support them.

  1. His Glory
  2. People
  3. Virtue
  4. Integrity
  5. Compassion
  6. Adventure

Again, we love this stuff so much that we wrote a separate blog about it - Uncompromising.
But I wouldn't even let that blog convince you. If you want to know about someone's values, watch them.

There you have it. The mission, vision, and future of GodSpeaks (as we see it right now).

If you haven’t already, join us!

If you have, thank you! Feel free to let us know what you love about GodSpeaks, or what we can do to make it better!

In awe of Jesus,

Andrew & Nate